Registration Fees & Payment

Early Bird Registration  USD 280
Regular Registration USD 300
Registration for 2nd Paper USD 150
Non-presenter Registration USD 200

  • - The registration fee must be paid by 8 October (early bird) or 15 October (regular) 2023.
  • - One single registration is for only one participant to present only one paper. One set of conference kit will be provided. It will also cover participation to all technical sessions, lunch, and two tea breaks.
    -If the participant has a 2nd or more papers, (s)he shall pay an additional 50% of the registration fees for each additional paper.
  • - Non-presenter, accompanying person or audience may participate in all sessions and will receive a certificate of participation.
    - Accompanying person fee: BND 100 for local and USD 100 for international. The accompanying person is welcome to attend all technical sessions, lunch, and tea breaks.

    The registration fee must be paid by 30 September 2023. Kindly take note that all bank charges will be borne by the sender/remitter. The full amount must reach UTB.

    Payment Methods for Local Participants*

    1. Cash/ Debit card / Credit Card, in person, at UTB’s Finance Office.
    2. Cheque (crossed out and made payable to Universiti Teknologi Brunei).
    3. Internet Banking to UTB’s bank account.*
    4. BIBD’s bank counters or ATM machines.*

    Payment Method for Overseas Participants*

    Telegraphic Transfer to UTB’s bank account only. Debit/credit card payments from overseas are not acceptable.

    *  Please quote your name and conference paper number in your payment instructions (where possible). Once payment is made, please email a copy of the bank advice/receipt to and for us to trace your payment promptly. The receipt will only be issued after the full payment is received.


    UTB’s Finance Office Address

    Administration Block, Level 1, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Tungku Highway, Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam


    UTB’s Bank Account Details

    Account Name:           Tabung Universiti Teknologi Brunei
    Account No:                00-001-01-0045184
    Bank Name:                Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD)
    Bank Address:             Lot 159, Jalan Pemancha, Bandar Seri Begawan, BS8711, Negara Brunei Darussalam
    Swift Code:                 BIBDBNBB