Poster Competition

The ACIIS Student Poster Competition is organised as part of the ACIIS 2023 conference event and is open for any postgraduate and undergraduate students to present results from projects or research that they have carried out as postgraduate and undergraduate researchers in the university.


The poster competition is open to individuals who are full-time students in Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) at the time of submission for projects recently performed while enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degree program. 

This poster competition is exclusively for and categorised as 3rd year, 4th year undergraduate students and Postgraduate students.

**Make sure that your supervisor(s) checked and agreed the printed poster before submission; all submitted printed posters will become public information. The poster competition should be aimed towards the main conference theme and/or special session tracks. 

Getting Prepared: 


1 August 2023 - Poster submission opens.
8 October 2023 - Deadline to register.
24 October 2023 - Poster assessment and presentation.
25 October 2023 – Winners will be announced.

General guidelines for poster: 

Poster size and format

·      It is recommended to print your poster as A3

Your information

·      The top of the poster should display, in lettering of minimum 18 Bold, Times New Roman and the following information: Title of your paper/thesis/project, Name(s) of Authors. 

**Co-authors names can appear on the poster 


·      Kindly use both UPPER and lower case for general content, as all-capital text is difficult to read. It is recommended to use minimum 14 Times New Roman font style for the content of the poster.
·      Make sure there is enough contrast between the colour of the text and the poster's background.
·      Text and presentation should be in ENGLISH only. 

Content of the poster

·      Make sure that the specific sections are easy to locate in the poster.
·      Try to keep the text easy to read and concise. The poster should have a clear message, a logical layout and be easy to comprehend.
·      Avoid the use of full sentences. Rather use short text in bullet point format.
·      Avoid using watermarks that may detract from the readability of your poster. 


·      Illustrations are the most important part of the poster and will attract the most attention. Colorful charts and graphs are the easiest to read. Explanatory illustrations should be used instead of text whenever possible.
·      Use only static images. Do not include animation or any videos.
·      Try to utilise the space of your poster creatively to attract the audience and make sure the images are easy to understand.

Poster submission deadline: 8 October 2023 


Email a pdf copy the poster to with your name and roll number, and in the Subject: POSTER: your poster title, your year of study and your programme area, by 8 October 2023. 

Posters will not be published in the conference proceeding.


Each submitted poster will be reviewed and scored to determine First, Second and Third place winners for each category on 24 October 2023.


Awards will be given to the first, second and third place best posters for each category. Each winning categories will receive cash prizes and certificates. The awards will be announced on 25 October 2023

First prize: $200
Second prize: $150
Third prize: $100