ACIIS 2025

23 - 25 October 2023

International Convention Centre,
Brunei Darussalam

The 6th International Conference on 
Applied Computational Intelligence in Information Systems

Previously known as Computational Intelligence in Information Systems (CIIS)
Technically co-sponsored by 
Sponsored by

About ACIIS 2025

The 6th International Conference on Applied Computational Intelligence in Information Systems (ACIIS 2025) will be held on 23rd to 25th October 2023 in Brunei Darussalam and is being organised and hosted by School of Computing and Informatics (SCI), Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) to provide an opportunity to research scholars, academicians, industrialists and research students to interact and share their experience and knowledge in the recent technological advancements in the field of Computing and Information Systems.

The conference looks for significant contributions to all major fields of the Computing and Information Systems in theoretical and practical aspects. It brings together experts from industry, government, and academia, experienced in innovation, design, innovation and research. ACIIS 2025 offers a rich program, including plannery speaker address, paper, and poster presentations. The conference therefore provides UTB an excellent opportunity to attract expertise and professionals from academia and industries from all over the world to come to Brunei Darussalam for sharing, networking, and collaboration.

*All accepted and presented papers at ACIIS 2025 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Digital Xplore (technically sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society).

Theme of the Conference: Intelligent and Resilient Digital Innovations for Sustainable Living

Over the last few decades, due to high population growth and overuse of the natural resources, including fossil fuels, our Earth has been experiencing climate change, global warming, and depletion of the ozone layer unprecedentedly. At this point of time, we need to emphasize on promoting sustainable living practices and translating sustainable policies into action. Rapid technological advancement has been leveraging the digital innovation, which can contribute for paving the way for the society to practice sustainable living. We need to rethink, through digital innovation how we can better utilise resources, manage waste and recycle materials as well as reduce carbon footprint of transportation, manufacturing, and ICT sectors. Around the globe, researchers from diverse fields have been putting effort relentlessly for harnessing frontier technologies to realise sustainable living. With this, ACIIS 2025 program, we would like to bring together the researchers from industries and academia having diverse fields and provide an excellent international platform for sharing knowledge and latest innovations and developments in realising an intelligent and resilient digital innovation for sustainable living.

The focus areas of this conference include Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoTs), Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Digital reality, Blockchain, SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud), Product and Design technology, Smart Products, User Experience (UX), Human Centred Design (HCD),  IR 4.0, Information Security, Computer Networks and Cyber Technologies.

Given the general improvement of the COVID-19 pandemic situation around the world in general and in Asia in particular, we decided to organise ACIIS 2025 as an in-person event and hope to be able to welcome the participants in Brunei. This provides opportunities to network and renew friendships as well as create new ones in ways virtual conference editions could not.

ACIIS 2025 Speakers

Professor Ian McLoughlin
Professor & Cluster Director
Singapore Institute of Technology ICT Cluster

Professor Ian McLoughlin, ICT Cluster Director in Singapore Institute of Technology (Singapore's 5th university) was previously a professor and Head of the School of Computing at the University of Kent (Medway Campus) from 2015-2019, a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China NELSLIP lab from 2012-2015. Before that he spent 10 years at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and 10 years in the electronics R&D industry in New Zealand and the UK. Professor McLoughlin became a Chartered Engineer in 1998 and a Fellow of the IET in 2013. He has over 200 papers, 4 books and 13 patents in the fields of speech & audio, wireless communications and embedded systems, and has steered numerous technical innovations to successful conclusions.

Professor Dr. Gyu Myoung Lee
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Liverpool John Moores University
United Kingdom

Gyu Myoung Lee is with the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK from 2014, as a Professor in School of Computer Science and Mathematics. He is also with KAIST, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea, as an Adjunct Professor from 2012.
Before joining the LJMU, he worked with the Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis from 2008. Until 2012, he was invited to work with the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Rep. of Korea. He worked as a research professor in KAIST, Rep. of Korea and as a guest researcher in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, in 2007. He worked as a visiting researcher in the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 2002. Furthermore, he also has work experience in industries in Rep. of Korea.
His research interests include Cyber Physical Systems, Cyber Security, Blockchain, Digital twin and AI, computational trust, privacy, knowledge centric networking and services considering all IoT vertical services in 5G/6G networks, Smart Grid, energy saving networks, cloud-based big data analytics platform and multimedia networking and services.
Dr. Lee has been actively participating in standardization meetings including ITU-T SG 13 (Future Networks and cloud) and SG20 (IoT and smart cities and communities), IETF and oneM2M, etc., and currently serves as a Rapporteur of Q16/13 (Knowledge centric trustworthy networking and services) and Q4/20 (e/Smart services, applications and supporting platforms) in ITU-T. He has serviced as the chair of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management (FG-DPM) and a vice-chair of FG on autonomous networks. He has contributed 448 proposals for standards and published 192 papers in academic journals and conferences. He received several Best Paper Awards in international and domestic conferences and served as a reviewer of IEEE journals/conference papers and an organizer/member of committee of international conferences. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.

Professor  Dr. Kazuhiko HAMAMOTO
Provost, College of Science and Engineering
Dean, Graduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering
Tokai University

Professor Dr. Kazuhiko Hamamoto received the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees in engineering from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in 1989, 1991, and 1994, respectively. He has been a Professor in the Department of Information Media Technology, Tokai University, since 2009. He is currently a Provost of College of Science and Engineering and Dean of the Graduate School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Tokai University.
His current research interests include information design and biomedical engineering. Especially, he is interested in medical information, human interface design, and virtual reality. He has about 60 papers published in Transactions and Journals and about 90 papers presented at international conferences. Prof. Hamamoto is a member of the IEEE and many national societies in Japan. He also takes an active part in national societies and international conferences as a committee member.

Important Dates

Call for paper                                  


Early January 2023

Submission of Full Paper


15 September 2023
[Firm Extension]

Notification of acceptance


2 October 2023

Authors Registration & Payment


15 October 2023

(Early bird by 8 October 2023)

Camera-Ready Paper & Copyright


20 October 2023

Conference date


23 - 25 October 2023

Conference Program


An updated program can be dowloaded from here.

9:00 - 9:10 Registration
9:10 - 12:00 Workshop/Tutorial (UTB) - LT4
13:30 - 16:00 Workshop/Tutorial (UTB) - LT4
8:00 ​– 9:00 Registration
8:00 ​– 9:00 Assessment of Poster Competition
09:00 – 10:00 Science, Techology and Engineering Connect (STE Connect) launching ceremony
10:00 ​– 10:30 Refreshment Break
10:30 – 12:00 UTB University Presidents' Forum
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:30 Keynote Sessions
15:30 – 15:45 Refreshment Break
15:45 – 17:00 Planery Sessions
8:00 – 8:30 Registration
8:30 ​– 10:00 Planery Sessions
10:00 – 10:30 Refreshment Break
10:30 - 12:15 Planery Sessions
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:30 Planery Sessions
15:30 – 15:45 Refreshment Break
15:45 – 17:00 Planery Sessions
17:00 – 17:30 Closing Ceremony

Conference Committee

Honorary Chair/Advisor

Datin Paduka Professor Dr. Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, Vice Chancellor, UTB, Brunei Darussalam

Steering Committee


Professor Dr. Mohamed Hasnain Isa, Assistant Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation, UTB


Dr. Mohamad Saiful bin Haji Omar, Assistant Vice Chancellor ​External and Industry Relations, UTB
Dr. Hajah Ena Kartina Binti Haji Abd Rahman, Assistant Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, UTB 
Dr. Au Thien Wan, Assistant Vice Chancellor Student, Alumni and Services, UTB
Awang Lim Chui Hua, Registrar and Secretary, UTB
Awang Hamdani bin Haji Ibrahim, Bursar, UTB
Dr. Sharul Tazrajiman bin Haji Tajuddin, Dean School of Computing & Informatics, UTB 
Dr. S. H. Shah Newaz, Deputy Dean Graduate Studies and Research, UTB
Serina Hj Mohd Ali, Programme Leader, Computer Network and Security, SCI, UTB