Prof. Dr. Aniruddha Bhalchandra Pandit
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India

Prof. Pandit is a chemical engineer, inventor and academic, known for his fundamental and commercial research on cavitational reactors, design of multiphase reactors, bubble dynamics. He is the vice-chancellor of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (erstwhile UDCT) since 2019.

Prof. Pandit is a renowned researcher in the field of cavitation and relevant chemical processing applications. His research interests include sonochemistry, industrial wastewater treatment, synthesis of chelating agents for wastewater treatment, mixing in mechanically agitated contactors, and the design of nozzles for hydrodynamic cavitation. He has also worked on polymer degradation, cellulose dissolution, and nanomaterials synthesis. As of 2023, he has published 446 journal articles, and holds 34 patents. His articles are reported to have an H-index of 84 and i10-Index of 360. He has guided 63 PhD and 101 master's graduates.

He is an elected fellow of the following science academies: United States National Academy of Engineering, Indian National Academy of Engineering, Indian National Science Academy (INSA), The World Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, India, Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, and Indian Academy of Sciences. He is associated with a number of scientific journals as a member of their editorial boards; Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Journal (Elsevier), Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification (Elsevier), Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (ACS).

Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Shahrel Azmin Sundi @ Suandi
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Shahrel Azmin Suandi (Senior Member, IEEE)received the B.Eng. degree in electronic engineering and the M.Eng. and D.Eng. degrees in information science from the Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, in 1995, 2003, and 2006, respectively. He joined the industries, such as Sony Video (M) Sdn. Bhd. and Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn. Bhd., for a period of six years, as an Engineer. He is currently a Professor and the Dean of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.

His current research interests include face-based biometrics, real-time object detection and tracking, and pattern classification using deep learning. He served as a Reviewer for several international conferences and journals, including IET Biometrics, IET Computer Vision, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Neural Computing and Applications, Journal of Electronic Imaging, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMAT ION FORENS ICS AND SECURITY, IEEE ACCESS, and so on.

Prof. Dr. Masataka Kubo
Department of Chemistry for Materials, Faculty of Engineering,
Mie University, Japan

Professor Masataka Kubo was born in 1959 and hails from Yokohama, Japan. He received both his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Tokyo University. He worked at Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd., as a chemical engineer from 1985 to 1987. He moved to Mie University in 1987 as a research associate. He was promoted to associate professor in 1992 and full professor in 2009.

His research focuses on the design and synthesis of new cyclic polymers, which are used to construct three-dimensional networks with movable cross-linking points. His contemporary scientific focus is the chemistry of conjugated polymers as new functional materials with electro and/or optical properties.

Prof. Dr. Izharul Haq Farooqi
Department of Civil Engineering,
Aligarh Muslim University, India

Dr. Farooqi has been working in the environmental engineering field for the last thirty-three years. The areas of specialization are water and wastewater treatment including biological treatment, biodegradation of toxic wastes, and corrosion control. His teaching interests include biological treatment of wastewaters, environmental chemistry and microbiology, and industrial water treatment. Dr. Farooqi has published over one hundred research papers in international/national journals and conferences; having 2500 citations (h - index 26 and i10 - index 54). His works have been published in reputed journals such as Water Science and Technology, Waste Management, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Cleaner Production, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Environmental Science, Environmental Management, Chemosphere, Journal of Environmental Technology, Royal Society of Chemistry, British Corrosion Journal, American Journal of CORROSION, Journal of Corrosion Prevention and Control and Anti Corrosion Methods and Materials. Apart from this, Dr. Farooqi has presented research papers in international conferences in U.S.A., Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, London and in different places in India. Dr. Farooqi has delivered more than hundred invited talks. Dr. Farooqi has mobilized a large amount of consultancy for the department and has established a state-of-the-art advanced environmental engineering laboratory through research projects and has been an expert member in various national bodies. Dr. Farooqi has supervised seven Ph.D scholars and another seven are under supervision. Dr. Farooqi has also supervised 75 M.Tech. dissertations. Besides Dr. Farooqi has received research projects from different organizations. Dr. Farooqi is currently serving as chairperson of the Department of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University. Dr. Farooqi has participated in the Ministry of Human Resource Development, MHRD's Leadership for Academicians Program (LeAP) and has attended a two-week training at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia under the same program. He also received the Young Scientist Award from Uttar Pradesh (UP) Council of Science and Technology in 2002.