Full Paper Submission

Submissions must consist of original, unpublished that is not currently under review by other conferences or journals. The manuscript must be written in English Language. Papers meeting publication quality and criteria will be published in a conference proceeding book by Apple Academic Press and CRC Press, a Taylor & Francis Group, which will be submitted to Scopus for possible indexing following their publication.

Full text submission deadline is September 15th, 2023 with revisions and final acceptance completed by September 30th, 2023.

To prepare your manuscript, please use the following template to prepare proceedings paper of 6-8 pages in length.


Please submit your paper here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bicet2023

Authors may contact the Secretariat for further information or inquiries at BICET2023secretariat@utb.edu.bn.

Publication Policy

All submissions with go through a double-blind review process and all submissions will be screened through similarity detection software. Please ensure that the overall similarity index of your paper is less than 20%, with a single source similarity index of less than 10%. Any paper with a similarity score of more than 20% will be rejected from the review process. All papers will be formally peer-reviewed by members of the international advisory committee and a greater pool of experienced reviewers.
At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must register and present at the conference.

Authors may contact the Secretariat for further information or enquiries at BICET2023secretariat@utb.edu.bn.