Guidelines for Final Manuscript Submission

Please complete the steps below before submitting the final manuscript by 20 October 2023. 

1). Preparation of your final manuscript

The final camera-ready manuscript should account and reflect all the reveiwers' feedback.

The paper should comply to the standard IEEE conference templates with A4 or US letter formats that can be found at

Please, pay particular attention to the page margins, which should be as follows:
- A4: Top: 1.9 cm, Bottom: 4.29 cm, Left and Right margins: 1.29 cm
- US letter:  Top: 0.75 inch, Bottom: 1 inch, Left and Right margins: 0.625 inch

The paper should not include any header or footer information in the top/bottom margins (e.g. do not include page numbers, copyright notices, etc.).

Authors are required to make sure that the PDF file and the EDAS registration page of a submitted paper have the same list of authors, title, and abstract (minor wording differences in the abstract are ok). Failure to comply with this rule may lead to the withdrawal of your paper from the conference program. Please note that the authors list of an accepted paper CANNOT be changed in the final manuscript.

Papers should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures without incurring any page charges. ​All accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Digital Xplore subject to meeting IEEE’s quality standards. At least one of the authors for an accepted paper must register and present at the conference. We follow IEEE no-show policy where accepted papers that are not presented in the conference will not be included in the final proceeding and will not be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Digital Xplore.

2). Generation of the PDF file

Prior to submission, the final manuscript PDF file must be validated by IEEE PDf eXpress to ensure it's complying with IEEE Xplore.

Why do you need to use PDF eXpress:
All conference articles submitted for this conference must be in IEEE Xplore-compatable PDF format.

IEEE offers PDF eXpress as a free service allowing the author to make Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs the author has created for Xplore compatibility (PDF Check Function).

Advantages to authors:

Steps for creating your Xplore compliant PDF file:

  1. Go to IEEE PDF eXpress Website at
  2. If you are a new user, select ‘New Users – Click here’ and enter the Conference ID (see no.3), your email address and choose a password. You will receive an email confirming the successful creation of your account. If you have used previously PDF eXpress you should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences.
  3. Conference ID: ​59385X. You have two options:
  4. Option 1 (Recommended) - You can generate the PDF file from your source files (e.g. MS Word) and the generated PDF file will be IEEE Xplore-compliant. For executing this option, you have to select “Create New Title”, introduce the title of the paper, and then upload the source files. Once the file is converted, download it. This will be the final manuscript file that you will have to upload later on in EDAS.
  5. Option 2 - You can validate a PDF file generated previously with any other tool. If you choose this option, please make sure that all the fonts are embedded, there are no bookmarks and no links (URLs). For executing this option, you have to select “Create New Title”, introduce the title of the paper, and then upload your PDF file. Once the status of the file indicates “PDF Passed PDF check; PDF is IEEE Xplore compatible”, download it from PDF eXpress. This will be the final manuscript file that you will have to upload later in EDAS (please note that EDAS will not allow you to upload the initial PDF file, but the validated and certified file that you download from PDF eXpress).
  6. Technical support via email is available if you experience trouble in creating your PDF:

3). Registration

In order for your paper to be published in IEEE Digital Xplore, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the stated rate, see Registration & Fee, on or before 11 October 2023. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one is valid for up one (1) paper from the same author.

Regsitration and payment needs to be done before uploading the Final Manuscript in EDAS. To register, please go here.

4). Submission of IEEE Copyright

The copyright will be enable after payment is verified. The IEEE Copyright should be submitted from EDAS. You should go to EDAS page of your paper, select the "Copyright" symbol and follow the instructions.

5). Upload Final Manuscript in EDAS

In the EDAS page of your paper, select the Final Manuscript button and follow the instructions to upload the PDF file with the final manuscript of your paper that has been previously obtained from PDF eXpress.


The hard deadline for submitting the final manuscript is 20 October 2023.

Authors may contact the Program Chair or Secretary for further information or enquiries at