The International Conference is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and excellence. To this end, all submitted papers will be subject to a rigorous double-blind peer review process, ensuring that they align with the conference's thematic focus and meet the stringent quality parameters set by our academic committee. We're pleased to announce that the proceedings of the conference will be submitted for indexing in esteemed databases including Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science (Clarivate). This indexing underscores the global academic recognition and significance of our event.
Authors of selected papers will be afforded the privilege of having their work considered for publication in renowned special issues and journals:
Special Issue: ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development
Special Issue: "Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Disclosure and Financial Markets." Associated journals include:
It is imperative to note that papers selected for these journals will undergo a subsequent review process as mandated by the respective publication guidelines.
Our conference, with its international acclaim, mandates strict adherence to ethical standards in research and publication. All participating authors are expected to acquaint themselves with our comprehensive ethics and malpractice statement. Non-compliance with this directive may lead to paper disqualification from both the conference proceedings and associated journal considerations.
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